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Faff-free Privacy Notice

We’re removing the faff from changing and managing cars, and we also want to make our legal documents a cinch for anyone to understand. If you have any doubts or suggestions regarding any of them, please contact us and we’ll do our best to help.

We don’t ask for any personal data from you in order to browse cars on the cinch website or using our app. However, when you’re browsing, we’ll use cookies that collect information about your preferences (including information you give to us to help improve your search results) and information about your computer or device. For more information about our use of cookies, please see our Cookie Policy .

If you decide to give us your personal data, including when you create an account and purchase a car from us, then the idea of this Privacy Notice is to help you understand what personal data we have, how we use it, where it goes, and your rights to decide what happens with it. We will use personal data about you only for the reasons that you provided it, and in line with all applicable laws and what’s explained in this Privacy Notice.

This Privacy Notice may change from time to time, for example because of developments in technology, our business, or the law, so please check back when you visit cinch for the most current information. If we have your e-mail address, we may also notify you of any changes via e-mail.


Last updated: 7 October 2024

1. Who is the controller of your data?

A "controller” is the organisation that decides on the purposes and ways that your personal data is processed (or, in other words, used). cinch’s website and services are provided by, and these decisions are made by:

Cinch Cars Limited of

Form 2

18 Bartley Wood Business Park

Bartley Way



RG27 9XA



When we share personal data with third parties (see Section 6 below), they may become a controller in respect of their own processing activities. We recommend you read their privacy notices as these will apply to their use of your personal data. We can’t take any responsibility for what’s in those notices though. In this Privacy Notice we have included links to the privacy notices of the third parties we work with for easy access.

2. Why do we process personal data? What data do we process? And what is our lawful basis for that processing?

The types of personal data we process and the reasons for which we process it depends on how you’re using cinch. We are required to have a ‘lawful basis’ that we rely on to use your personal data in the ways we describe below, and we’ve stated what this is under each section.

3. Additional products and services

Together with your car purchase, cinch also offers a number of additional products and services, including through third parties. This section explains how we use and share personal data for these purposes.

4. How long does cinch keep your data for?

cinch doesn’t keep your personal data for any longer than necessary. If you have signed up for an account with cinch, then you will be able to access it and we will keep your personal data within it until you change it or cancel your account.

If you buy a car from cinch, then we will keep personal data relating to the sale of a car, including your application for finance if you make one, for as long as it is necessary for us to comply with our legal obligations.

If you purchase, or have the benefit of, any additional products and services (as set out in Section 3 above in the part entitled “Additional products and services”), cinch will keep your personal data (and that of any third parties provided) for as long as is necessary for us to provide you with those benefits, products and/or services.

In relation to any promotions, contests or prize draws that you participate in, cinch will not keep your personal data for any longer than necessary to complete the promotion, contest or prize draw and pay and account for payments or distribute prizes, also allowing for a reasonable period for any queries or disputes to be raised and settled.

If we need to keep your data longer for tax, accounting, reporting, regulatory or legal reasons then we will use it only for those purposes and for a period that is reasonably necessary to comply with the laws and policies that apply to us and to be in a position to deal with any legal or regulatory claims.

After these periods we may anonymise personal data (so it does not identify the individual to which it relates) to use it for research or statistical purposes and improving our website and services.

5. Does cinch receive your personal data from any other third parties?

We also advertise our cars on other websites. Some of these sites allow customers to request contact from cinch, and collect personal data to pass to us for this purpose.

If we receive personal data in this way, we will only use it for the purposes of contacting customers about the car they are interested in, unless the customer agrees to receive further contact from cinch or creates an account.

We also receive personal data from other affiliates and publishers. This allows us to track transactions to enable cashback to be paid in accordance with the terms and conditions of specific promotions, or where a customer referral has been received from a member of our affiliated publishing network.

If you register for cinchCharge, we will receive personal data from the provider of cinchCharge in order for us to verify you as a customer of cinch, trace eligibility for promotional discounts and for internal reporting purposes.

If you purchase cinchCare, we will receive personal data from the provider of cinchCare in order for us to understand how claims are being handled by the provider and for internal reporting and accounting purposes.

Our sponsorship partners, and other third parties we work with who provide their own products and services to you at your option (as set out in Section 2 above in the part entitled “Third party products and services”), may present you with the opportunity to consent to receive marketing from cinch. Where you opt-in to cinch marketing in this way, our partner will transfer your personal data to us so we can market to you in accordance with your preferences. You can change your marketing preferences at any time by logging in to your account, calling us or email us at You will also have the opportunity to opt out of future communications whenever cinch sends you marketing material, using the instructions provided in that marketing material.

6. Does cinch provide your personal data to any third parties?

Obtaining finance

If you would like to purchase a car from cinch using our finance option, we’ll disclose certain personal data to our third party finance broker, Evolution Funding, and, in some cases, Black Horse (a lender). See Section 2 (the parts entitled “Helping to check your financial eligibility to purchase a car” and “Helping to arrange financing for your purchase of a car”) for full details.

Arranging delivery and collection

When your order is ready for delivery or collection, we’ll share your name, address and contact details with our third party delivery service provider so that they can get your car to you. Our delivery service provider will carry out the checks explained in our Car Purchase Terms and Conditions on you, your ordered car and your part exchange car (if applicable) on delivery or collection. Any personal data within this information will be shared with us so that we can manage the ongoing relationship with you.

Additional products and services

If you make a claim under our 90-day warranty then we’ll disclose certain personal data to our authorised repairers and/or our breakdown agent, as is necessary to provide you with the benefits under those products. See Section 3 (the part entitled “Operating our 90-day warranty”) for full details.

If you have purchased cinchCover or cinchCare through cinch, your personal data will be disclosed to the provider of the product in order for your contract to be set up and administered.

If you have registered for cinchCharge, we will share your personal data with the provider of cinchCharge solely to the extent needed to validate that you are a cinch customer, trace eligibility for promotional discounts and for internal reporting purposes.

From time to time we may provide other services or products through cinch that are not referenced above. Depending on the service or product, we may need to provide your contact details to the service provider, or confirm to the provider that you are a cinch customer. 

cinch also works with other organisations that provide services such as IT and data processing or other professional advisors. These include:

  • providers of IT-related services (e.g. data storage, website development, live chat, hosting, management, security or maintenance);

  • payment processing services;

  • data processing companies that provide us with services such as call and e-mail tracking and recording, management of PR and customer communications, sending e-mails or texts, or processing of information or newsletters;

  • organisations providing us with services relating to the management of promotions, contests and prize draws and fulfilment of payments and prizes;

  • companies in our group or affiliated companies that provide us with additional technical infrastructure or services;

  • data analysis providers (e.g. measuring which webpages or advertisements are of most interest); 

  • advertising affiliates as part of our affiliate publishing network, to track referrals and transactions; and

  • accounting, legal, insurance or banking service providers.

These organisations process personal data on our behalf, but our contracts with them oblige them to meet data protection standards as strict as the ones that apply to us, and not to use your personal data for any other purpose.

Where these third parties are not based in the UK or other countries that are officially regarded as having adequate data protection laws, then this will be done only on the basis of legal safeguards aimed at ensuring that your personal data is kept as secure as under applicable UK laws. Please contact us for more information about the safeguards we have in place.

Other circumstances where cinch may need to disclose your personal data to third parties could be: (i) where permitted or required by law, to any police force, court, regulator or public body; (ii) to enforce or apply the terms of our contracts or to protect the rights, property or safety of our customers; or (iii) in connection with a sale, merger or restructuring of our business or company.

7. What are your rights in relation to your personal data?

cinch is committed to ensuring that you can easily exercise your legal rights over your personal data under the laws that apply to us.

You are entitled to ask at any time:

  1. for access to a copy of the personal data that cinch holds about you;

  2. to have any incorrect personal data about you corrected (remember that you can update some of your data in your account);

  3. for personal data about you to be erased (also referred to as the “right to be forgotten”) or if that is not possible (e.g. because the law requires us to keep data for longer) to have processing restricted;

  4. to object to particular processing (e.g. for marketing purposes or where we rely on legitimate interests);

  5. to contest a decision made about you based on automated processing (although cinch does not use any automated processing); and

  6. to receive an electronic copy of personal data you provided to us, for provision to a different service provider (also referred to as “data portability”).

You are also able to withdraw any consent given by you in the past. If you withdraw your consent, any processing of the personal data that took place before you do so will still be legal.

cinch can always be contacted using the details in Section 1 of this Privacy Notice to resolve any issues or doubts you may have in relation to processing of your personal data, or exercising your legal rights. If you believe that your rights have not been respected then you are also entitled to complain to the UK Information Commissioner (

8. Do you have to provide your personal data to cinch?

To search our database of cars you aren’t required to sign up for an account or enter any other personal data if you don’t want to. If you would like to purchase a car from us, then there’s certain personal data we need from you to make that happen – if we don’t have this, we can’t enter into a contract of sale with you.

If, on purchasing a car from us, you would like to benefit from, or purchase, additional products and services from us or the third parties we work with, then there’s certain personal data we need from you in order to provide that benefit, product or service – if we don’t have this personal data the provider of that benefit, product or service can’t enter into a contract with you.

Some of the cookies we use are ‘strictly necessary’ meaning that they are necessary to make certain parts of the website work – please see our Cookie Policy for more information.

9. Where does cinch store your data?

We operate within the UK. Some of our third party service providers may process personal data on our behalf in locations outside of the UK. When they do, we will ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place for that transfer and storage as required by applicable law. This is because some countries outside of the UK do not have data protection laws equivalent to those in the UK. If you would like more information about the safeguards we have in place, please contact our Data Protection team using the details in Section 1 of this Privacy Notice.